
Male patients with breast cancer: Special considerations and gender-specific concerns


I participated in the male breast cancer SCAR Project by David Jay, a famous photographer. One of the high points of my life has been appearing in The New York Times topless, right after my radiation treatment, showing my scar. There are quite a few of us out there who’ve done that.

I’ll just mention in passing the Male Breast Cancer Global Alliance, which is a patient support supergroup, if you will. We’ve got a symposium coming up in November. That’s a great place for men who are early in the stage of their disease, or at any stage, to connect to others who are facing this issue.

Dr. Cardoso: They can also find specific information. This is a really good website where you can find information. One of the most important topics that I’ve heard from my patients is, “I never thought that I could have this disease. I never heard that men could have breast cancer as well.” Information is very crucial.

I believe that if you are well informed, you will also be less scared of the disease. Sources of reliable information are really crucial for patients. Since you mentioned the SCAR Project, we have a similar project here in Portugal that really called attention to the disease. It was very visual and really interesting.

Discussions during and after treatment

Dr. Cardoso: I wanted to say something, and I don’t know if both of you would agree. I think only recently surgeons have started to pay attention to the way they operate on men with breast cancer, and even in considering techniques of breast conservation and oncoplastic surgery. I had the feeling, looking at those photos, that some years ago, it wouldn’t have mattered how they do with the mastectomy scar just because it was a man. This was biased, right?

Just because it was a man, there was no need to pay attention to the aesthetic outcome. That is wrong, in my perspective. I’m very happy to see that now there are surgeons considering other types of breast surgery to conserve as much as possible the aesthetic outcome.

Dr. Bogler: I have to say that I was offered reconstruction at MD Anderson. I declined it. It wasn’t that big a part of my body image. When I raised this issue at home, my kids, who were quite young at the time, just suggested, “Well, Dad, why don’t you just wear a swim shirt?” They came up with a very practical solution for this issue.

I agree with you that it should be an option. I was also offered a nipple tattoo. I have yet to take that up, but maybe one day.

Dr. Cardoso: I’m not sure that we need to go into reconstruction. It also depends on whether a man has gynecomastia, if it’s going to be very asymmetric. There are other techniques to do, and depending on the size of the tumor, we can also do breast conservation, which we have done here in a couple of patients.


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