
Fertility concerns of female cancer survivors


Mother and child

Photo by Vera Kratochvil

A new study indicates that many young adult female cancer survivors do not receive adequate information about their fertility as part of their survivorship care, despite having concerns about their ability to bear children in the future.

The research, published in Cancer, suggests a need for better resources to support cancer survivors in making informed decisions about their reproductive options after they complete treatment.

To conduct this study, Catherine Benedict, PhD, of North Shore-Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Manhasset, New York, and her colleagues asked female cancer survivors to complete a web-based, anonymous survey.

There were 346 participants. They had an average age of 29.9 and had completed treatment an average of 4.9 years earlier.

The investigators focused on a subgroup of 179 women with uncertain fertility status who had not previously undergone or attempted fertility preservation, either before or after their cancer treatment, and who either wanted future children or were unsure.

Many of these women said they did not have enough information concerning their risk of infertility (58%), risk of early menopause (60%), options to assess their fertility (62%), options to preserve their fertility (51%), or options for alternative family building (43%).

The women’s greatest reproductive concerns were potential fertility problems and the health of a future child. Sixty-four percent of the women said they were concerned about not being able to have children (or more children), and 59% were worried about passing the risk of cancer on to their future children.

Only 13% of women said they were well informed about options for preserving fertility, and 74% were unclear about their personal values regarding fertility preservation.

Seventy percent of the women said they hadn’t received enough advice on fertility preservation, and 35% said they didn’t have enough support to make a decision about fertility preservation.

The investigators found a significant association between greater unmet information needs and higher levels of decisional conflict about fertility preservation (P<0.001).

On the other hand, having undergone a fertility evaluation after treatment was associated with lower decisional conflict (P=0.02).

The investigators said these findings establish the need for support services to help young female cancer survivors make decisions about fertility preservation and family-building as part of survivorship care.

The literature has largely focused on the clinical and support needs of women making fertility decisions before their treatment begins, but most patients do not preserve their fertility before treatment for a number of reasons, despite wanting children in the future.

“The potential loss of fertility has been described in the literature as being almost as painful, if not more so, than the cancer diagnosis itself,” Dr Benedict said.

“Failure to provide information and address concerns with respect to fertility-related decisions may have lasting consequences for young women who hope to move on from their cancer experience to achieve important life goals such as having children. For women at risk for early menopause, delaying fertility-related decisions may cause them to miss their narrowed window of opportunity to preserve their fertility, if desired.”

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