Medical Verdicts

Stomach pain chalked up to flu; patient suffers fatal cardiac event ... More

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The cases in this column are selected by the editors of The Journal of Family Practice from Medical Malpractice: Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, with permission of the editor, Lewis Laska ( The information about the cases presented here is sometimes incomplete; pertinent details of a given situation therefore may be unavailable. Moreover, the cases may or may not have merit. Nevertheless, these cases represent the types of clinical situations that typically result in litigation.


Stomach pain chalked up to flu; patient suffers fatal cardiac event

A 40-YEAR-OLD MAN went to the emergency department (ED) after 2 days of stomach discomfort. The ED physician who evaluated him released him after 4 or 5 hours without testing for levels of troponin or other cardiac enzymes. The patient’s discomfort continued, and about 3 days later, he told his wife to call 911. He was transported to the ED but did not survive.

PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM The decedent had been suffering from an acute cardiac event during the first ED visit. Testing to rule out cardiac problems should have been performed.

THE DEFENSE The patient had been suffering from a stomach flu during his initial ED visit. Any testing performed at that time would have been normal. The patient’s death was unrelated to the symptoms he was experiencing when he was first seen.

VERDICT $4 million Alabama verdict.

COMMENT Many questions come to mind with this case: How careful was the history? Did the patient’s discomfort get worse with activity? What were the characteristics of his pain? What were the patient’s cardiac risk factors? A colleague of mine missed a very similar case several years ago in a 67-year-old. The patient even had vomiting and diarrhea, but clearly had a myocardial infarction when diagnosed a few days later.

Follow-up failure on PSA results costs patient valuable Tx time

A PATIENT AT A GROUP PRACTICE underwent prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening, which revealed an abnormal result (4.1 ng/mL). The physician circled this value on the lab report, wrote, “Discuss next visit,” and placed the report in the patient’s chart. However, the patient switched to another physician in the group and was not told of the abnormal result for more than 2 years. When the patient went to a medical center for back pain, magnetic resonance imaging of his spine revealed the presence of cancer in his spine, shoulder blades, pelvis, and ribs. A PSA test performed at that time came back at 100 ng/mL. Two days later, a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of prostate cancer (Gleason score, 9).

PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM In addition to failing to inform the patient of his abnormal PSA test result, the physician did not perform digital rectal exams.

THE DEFENSE Earlier treatment would not have made a difference in the outcome.

VERDICT $934,000 Florida verdict.

COMMENT If you order a PSA, you must follow up on it. When a patient transfers to your care, be sure to obtain and review past testing and provide follow-up on abnormal results. We now send all test results directly to patients so they can serve as a safety check for their own care. Despite fears of being inundated with calls, most organizations that have instituted such a policy have not turned back.

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