The Optimized Doctor

The Optimized Doctor

Give me an occupation, Miss Dashwood

I've practically had to install a velvet rope at my door to organize the queue of people wanting to talk to me about their ideas to help.

The Optimized Doctor

My inspiration

I seem to push harder and faster when watching idols pass by.

The Optimized Doctor

New year, old you

If you resolved to do something this year, chances are it was to make a better you – a self-improvement goal such as to lose weight.

The Optimized Doctor

Wellness vacations

When I made peace with the reality that I couldn’t access EPIC or email, it was like a ringing in the ears had lifted.

The Optimized Doctor

Yoga life lessons

As it turns out, yoga can transform your life.

The Optimized Doctor

Mid-career advice

You’ve arrived at an important milestone when someone asks you to give a grand rounds titled ... “Mid-Career Advice.” Yes, I’ve been asked.


The Optimized Doctor

Flying solo

The journey from apprehension to mastery must pass through discomfort.

The Optimized Doctor

The expert trap

If you want to be a better doctor, try working on your sense of self-importance. Remember your limitations and those of medicine.

The Optimized Doctor

Improving self-confidence

When I meet with our young doctors, I try to provide feedback not only on their medical acumen but also on their confidence to deploy that...

The Optimized Doctor

Eminently qualified physician

There are other professions where evaluations and feedback are more direct. In the military, performance standards are often quite explicit.
