Treatments for Hidradenitis Suppurativa Comorbidities Help With Pain Management
Understanding common comorbidities as well as the biases associated with pain management will allow providers to treat hidradenitis suppurativa...
Cruel summer for medical students and Taylor Swift fans
Medical students applying for residency tend to be as stressed out as Swifties trying to score concert tickets.
ChatGPT in Dermatology Clinical Practice: Potential Uses and Pitfalls
We focus on the potential benefits as well as the pitfalls of using ChatGPT in dermatology clinical practice.
Aesthetic Dermatology Update
Treating poikiloderma
Breaking down the subtypes will help direct the treatment options.
The Optimized Doctor
Can we be too efficient?
We aren’t factory workers punching out widgets, we’re physicians caring for people and people cannot be standardized.
What can you do during a mass shooting? This MD found out
We were seeing high-velocity gunshot wounds that I’ve seen for 20 years in the Army. I know how to fix them. But there wasn’t a single thing I...
Make the Diagnosis
A 75-year-old White woman presented with diffuse erythema, scale, and pruritus on her scalp
The patient also had periorbital erythema, as well as erythema on the distal interphalangeal joints.
Managing Your Practice
The multitasking myth
There really are too many tasks and not enough hours in the day. How can you get through them without falling into the multitasking trap?
A step forward in diabetic foot disease management
The 2023 guidelines recommend SINBAD – site, ischemia, neuropathy, bacterial infection, area, and depth – as the priority wound classification...
Minimally Invasive Nail Surgery: Techniques to Improve the Patient Experience
A minimally invasive nail surgery technique is essential to alleviating dermatologist and patient apprehension, which may lead to greater adoption...
Make the Diagnosis
A 45-year-old White woman with no significant medical history presented with a 1-month history of lesions on the nose and right cheek
Erythematous papules, vesicles, and erosions with an annular crusted border were present on the nose and cheeks.