Inaccurate physician rosters
Obviously, one source of surprise medical bills that is easily correctable are inaccurate insurance company physician rosters. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services implemented new rules with stiff fines instructing Medicare advantage plans to improve the accuracy of physician rosters, after a scathing General Accounting Office report 5 years ago. This process, however, was effectively neutered by the last administration by referring all enforcement action to the states, which did not have the manpower or political will to enforce them. This new surprise billing law directly addresses this issue, requiring insurers to update their provider directories every 90 days and keeping them available to patients on line.
This law also eliminates gag clauses between physicians and patients regarding insurer policies.
In short, this bill solves many problems for dermatologists in their constant struggle with insurers. In particular, accurate provider directories will allow patients and companies buying insurance for their employees, to see what they are getting. I suspect the revelation of the paucity of dermatologists in many of these networks will result in increased demand for your services and perhaps provide you a little negotiating leverage.
Also, if I read this law correctly, and I inform patients of our out-of-network status and give them a reasonable estimate of the cost of their care, network participation will no longer restrict patients who want to see me. I acknowledge that we will have to make good-faith efforts to join their networks (which most of us have repeatedly) and learn how to navigate the arbitration process, but this could be a boon for small-practice dermatologists who have been shut out of participating. In fact, it may be less trouble for insurers to simply invite us in, than going through repeated arbitration.
In the bigger picture, I would remind you of the importance of your legislative participation at the past American Academy of Dermatology Association Washington fly-ins, your support of the American Medical Association, and your support of SkinPac. These issues were always in our top three asks in Washington. All this favorable language was suggested, supported, and aided by your efforts and support of organized medicine.
There is a sign on my desk my wife gave me that reads “Never, Never, Never, Give Up.” I am proud of all of you for never giving up, and think you all deserve a “way to go” and a pat on the back. This law, which is a far walk from abusive air ambulance bills and unexpected anesthesia charges, amply and happily demonstrates that things can be changed for the better, and that access to care for our patients can be improved.
Dr. Coldiron is in private practice but maintains a clinical assistant professorship at the University of Cincinnati. He cares for patients, teaches medical students and residents, and has several active clinical research projects. Dr. Coldiron is the author of more than 80 scientific letters, papers, and several book chapters, and he speaks frequently on a variety of topics. He is a past president of the American Academy of Dermatology. Write to him at