Fast Facts for Board Review

Transient Benign Neonatal Skin Findings

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As part of our commitment to resident education, Cutis is excited to offer this monthly section with board-relevant, easy-to-review material.

This fact sheet lists benign findings that can be seen in neonates and infants.


Review the PDF of the fact sheet on transient benign neonatal skin findings with board-relevant, easy-to-review material. This fact sheet lists benign findings that can be seen in neonates and infants.

Practice Questions

1. The parents of a 2-month-old infant present with their child. They are worried because the infant has “acne” that is not going away. Friends told them to try gentle cleansers and they have avoided using lotions or cream on her face. However, the bumps will not go away. On examination she has papules and pustules. Comedones cannot be identified. What are your next steps?

a. adapalene cream 0.1% every night at bedtime
b. benzoyl peroxide cream 4%
c. benzoyl peroxide wash 2.5%
d. erythromycin gel 2%
e. ketoconazole cream 2% twice daily


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